More artworks made by captainlupin

Werewolf Form
Lupin's werewolf form . Snarly werewolf is snarly, and quite scarred up. Reasoning and logic skills are still present with werewolves, although both tend to deteriorate as time passes and Lupin's temper rises. Animal instinct tends to take over, because fighting the duality between a rational person and a monstrous beast is a very deep struggle that all werewolves face. Often times, many of them tend to fall back on the latter when in this form because it's easier. This is something Lupin also struggles to prevent. She has people to protect and cares for, and cannot afford to allow this to happen to her. Beyond the mandatory full moon shifts, Lupin is rarely seen in her fur. And very few, besides her close friends, have seen her like this. Alastor is an exception, because most full moons, they hunt together. Beyond that, however, she is incredibly apprehensive to show this side of her off to anyone: partly because of the scars, and mainly because she's terrified of facing rejection from the people she cares for and aims to protect.
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