More artworks made by preeti rajput


  • Anonymous 9 Sep 2017

    ;] truly great. [:

  • Pandy 2 Jul 2015

    Nice eye and hair!

  • CristineMiu 17 Jun 2015

    I LOVE IT!!! is it your OC?? or did you had anyone as reference?

  • freaky-idalgo 15 Jun 2015

    Cool. I like hair dynamics. imho brow is a bit too long.

  • Anonymous 15 Jun 2015

    I like the hair. Nice for a draft. However, it would be great to work on details.

  • ElenaH 15 Jun 2015

    Love the face expression!!!

  • ioumx 15 Jun 2015

    Nice work! I like this style, but if you were looking for a more realistic look you should take a look at photos and study them. I'm not saying this looks bad- I think this style looks great with this particular piece.

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