More artworks made by CamEmBlack


Realistic eye

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-14


Drawing an realistic eye. Using 6B pencil.

Challenge: Ciana VS CamEmBlack


  • Jan Spicka 26 Oct 2015

    good eye

  • maubro 4 Aug 2015

    Wow! Looks so real. Well done :D

  • Miyuki3769 7 Jul 2015

    This is amazing! The wrinkles underneath the eye and the watery tears make all the more realistic. <3

  • Sprisenberg 14 Jun 2015

    Wow! Your submissions are getting more and more detailed and amazing! I love this! :D

  • Moca 14 Jun 2015

    Nice job with the reflections and the mascara on the eyelashes. There's a lot of depth in the iris, it looks cool.

  • eni7878 14 Jun 2015

    Very realistic! Congrats!

  • Anonymous 14 Jun 2015

    Very realistic. Good job!

  • DesertRaptor 14 Jun 2015

    This almost looks like a real photo. I had to really look to see that it was indeed drawn by pencil. Very nice.

  • mysticdragon 14 Jun 2015

    There is so much detail in the eye. beautiful!

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