More artworks made by Rachel-Rose



Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-06-13


This piece was also done for my art final, and is part two of Winter. I used the process on the piece as in Winter: sketch out the main picture then use water color for more natural colors. This piece was significantly harder than it's counterpart due to having to continuously add new layers to the tree to try and make it more realistic.


  • zbsanders 13 Jun 2015

    You capture the animal well. Use more strokes to make the fur more defined. The background looks like watercolor. With less water and a small paintbrush you could put in grass and make defined leaves. The eye is real looking. Good work and keep going.

  • Anonymous 13 Jun 2015


  • Anonymous 13 Jun 2015

    Aw. This is so cute! I like the colorings and the mouse is done really well.

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