More artworks made by Lynzinitus

The Devil's Claymore
Artemis is an original character of mine, one of which I am building a website for and hope to get his comic started soon. ----- Support your favorite villain and her comic on Patreon and Facebook! Any kind of help is appreciated and needed! &
ldinthestudio 13 Jun 2015
Interesting composition . Like the use of background and subtle palette used.
esteban the creator 13 Jun 2015
this is a nice work , but i do not understand what is the mask that carries, it´s like a face with a very long nose or something like that ?
2mor 13 Jun 2015
the thing coming up from the sword should be drawn in the same style as the rest of the drawing, so that it wont look separated. Otherwise it is really good. :)
Kim yaku 13 Jun 2015
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