More artworks made by Nibletgirl5454

Tinkerbell Painting I did. :)
evinuttygelle 13 Jun 2015
Hey! :) I really like the bright colours and you did an amazing job when you draw that black line all over your character to make her more dominant in this piece. For make it a little better I would use a little bit more hue. :)
Glacies 13 Jun 2015
Nice, I like the different style for Tinkerbell.
FedeDilo89 13 Jun 2015
I like it!
popcorngoo 13 Jun 2015
It's a pretty good drawing with the pose, and coloring done very well. I think perhaps that sharp black marker line hurts the picture though. I understand that you perhaps wanted her to POP out since she is the focus, but it makes the drawing look a bit more childish like a coloring book picture. I really like the lines you used for the background, and maybe in combination with some shading that sort of line work for Tink would be better?
charlie363 13 Jun 2015
Very nicely drawn with great colors and your shading is also nice.
Art is life 13 Jun 2015
so cute muaaah
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