More artworks made by CamEmBlack

I drew this when I was about 12yrs old but I still like it. I used coloured pencils.
Challenge: CamEmBlack VS Ciana
Nozomi 17 Jul 2015
Jandraws 22 Jul 2015
Nice linear work, good colours. It completely lacks of shadows and contrast.
didier1961 29 Jun 2016
nice work..........:-)
trevorp 28 Sep 2015
Fabulous artwork for someone when they were only 12 years old. Still holds up well today :-)
JPW Artist 5 Sep 2015
This is excellent for someone of 12. If I was going to pick a fault I'd say the eyes are wrong, they don't look like they belong to the dog but I'm sure you know that now you've improved. Maybe draw this again now so you can compare the difference, that's what I did regularly and still do.
RedSoulWolf13 24 Oct 2016
Nice drawing :D I like the way you draw fur
maubro 3 Aug 2015
Palelady 7 Jul 2015
I'll say what everyone else said, this is very good for 12 years old!
Moca 13 Jun 2015
Aww, cute! That's really good for a 12 year old!! ^-^
Robb Prueter 13 Jun 2015
You misunderstand, I find it impressive that your medium was color pencil and that you did this while so young. The 'rough around the edges' comment was in respect to you using a medium I can't use very well myself, that medium being colored pencils. I hope you find this a bit more encouraging rather than discouraging.
Anonymous 13 Jun 2015
Can see the expression in the eyes, very nice work
Anonymous 13 Jun 2015
Is beautiful
Robb Prueter 13 Jun 2015
Nicely done. Immense detail in color with a medium I find to be a bit rough around the edges. Kudos for doing this in colored pencil, I'm a lesser drone than thee.
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