More artworks made by surealworld

Humble Thy Self In The Sight Of The Lord
This Pen And Ink was rendered from a image Of the painting entitled," The Prayer At Valley Forge" by artist Arnold Friberg. I drew this rendering from my computer screen. It took a couple of hour to draw. I carved this image on a pumpkin at the annual Chadds Ford Historical Society Great Pumpkin Carve. So this rendering was done as a guide not a finished piece . As you look over this picture you will notice the ink ran in a few places, that is be cause it was raining while I was carving the pumpkin. Even though I had clear plastic laid over the picture,rain still got it wet. It seem like almost ever time I took part in this event it has rained . The reason I chose to carve this image is be cause the battle of the Brandy wine was fought around the town of Chadds Ford, and because George Washington was a renown Christian man of Prayer. Just as the thirteen colony were frighting their way through hell to gain their independence from England, I feel our nation is going through Hell to maintain the principle the founding fathers had laid as the foundation of this country. Our country is in trouble and no political party can save this nation,only The American People who humble themselves before God,repent of their rebellious ways against God, and pray for His forgiveness,and seek Him to guild our nation out of the dark,and back into the light. Then will our nation be able to receive blessings from the hand of God. Stephen J. Vattimo July 16, 2012
Challenge: surealworld VS Jan Spicka
MatneySa 12 Jun 2015
that's what I thought, but the stomach is actually lower. it kind of looks like part of the reigns or something.
Anonymous 12 Jun 2015
Not bad! I real like your shading in the coat. I'm not sure about the hind legs of the horse though. Try using broader and thinner lines along the outline to give dimension. And also, maybe straighten out the reigns.
Anonymous 12 Jun 2015
Horses stomach is too thin
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