More artworks made by Miyuki3769


Black Dragon

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-12


This is a drawing of my original character to the anime Yona of the Dawn. She is one of the five dragons that are destined to be found by Yona to help her take back her kingdom from SuWon and to make it thrive again. The black dragon has a very dark past. At the age of 12 or 13 her family owned a farm in a small village. With four older brothers and an older sister things can get a little crazy on the farm. The black dragon was very close to her brothers but her oldest sister seemed to very distance like she was hiding something. She did not know that she was the black dragon and what powers that name held until one fateful day. Troops from the main castle came in and asked to take the land for their own uses. The habitants of the village refused, so the troops stormed the village destroying every last hut and field on that land. The black dragon couldn't stand to see her village be destroyed with her own eyes. She had to do something. Her rage bottled up and released the devastating power of the black dragon which is everything that is touched by the power dies and decays. She did what she set out to do. She killed the troops, but without knowing how to control her power she ended up killing most of the villagers as well. Including her own family except her sister. Her sister blamed her for everything and decided to make it her life's work to kill the black dragon. The black dragon couldn't believe what she had done. She ran in a random direction until she could not run any more and it is there that she collapsed and knew that her life was changed forever. I have not yet come up with a name for her, but it is still in the works. I am open for any suggestions! =)


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