
More artworks made by CristineMiu


Sketch Again

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-10


Before picture was my first portrait and I'm self-taught. This is just to show that anyone can draw.:)


  • Jeanpooh 15 Aug 2015

    Wow amazing progress good for you

  • EKA 19 Jul 2015

    great improvement :P

  • Keokki 22 Jun 2015

    I agree with you, i'm self taught too and i think that draw is a magic thing ^^

  • de Flora et Fauna 12 Jun 2015

    You have made a very sunny leap in your art in just a year! Go you! I love the drastic change in the two pictures. Is the picture based off a doll or a real person?

  • Giorgia Haran 10 Jun 2015

    Very fine drawing!Great evolution!:)

  • Roy 10 Jun 2015

    Adorable!!! <3

  • Kana Go 10 Jun 2015

    Oh my, so cool!

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