
More artworks made by Jan Spicka


Story that no one belives

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-10


Marker fantasy drawing. Symbolises danger and fear of making decision, that could prove fatal.

Challenge: KATENORTH VS Jan Spicka


  • Jan Spicka 22 Jul 2015

    Thank u

  • trevorp 20 Nov 2016

    Lovely linework - well done :-)

    Jan Spicka 20 Nov 2016

    thanks so much

  • RaihanZainal 22 Jul 2015

    Cool and interesting idea Great Job

  • DArtYap 11 Sep 2015

    love it

  • Eddieblz 29 Jun 2015


  • Tibbles mikami 29 Jun 2015

    an interesting idea, her body is done well and so is the shading, but I feel like I don't quit know what I'm looking at

  • Kim yaku 10 Jun 2015


  • Anonymous 10 Jun 2015

    Nice done!

  • lovablegeek 10 Jun 2015


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