More artworks made by MaybeAPsycho

Eris Morn
A drawing, done using my graphics tablet, of Eris Morn, the character from Destiny.
Eddieblz 30 Jun 2015
Nice composition, I like it allot. But this drawing doesn't look to be done on a table. It looks to be done in pencil or charcoal. You could take this drawing so much further if you clean it up a bit.
Anonymous 9 Jun 2015
Anonymous 9 Jun 2015
Hilliste 9 Jun 2015
Good draw! :)
Robb Prueter 9 Jun 2015
I love fan art and how one's vision can drive many to create art in the name of their own. That said, while I like that you used Destiny as a source of inspiration, this particular piece looks like an original draft as opposed to a digital edition. My recommendation would be to try and clean up your line work a smidgen for the sake of the final piece looking more finished.
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