More artworks made by Baileyyhusty


Watercolor city

Type: painting Uploaded: 2014-09-15


Made in all water colors :)


  • no 24 Sep 2014

    ok :^)

  • no 23 Sep 2014

    watercolor on photoshop, maybe. you're not going to get far with your art if you're just going to lie, just sayin'.

  • no 17 Sep 2014

    this is obviously not watercolor, yo. it would have been fine if you said it was a digitally manipulated photo.

  • camilotanguero 17 Sep 2014

    Fantastic work!

  • LordKenneth 15 Sep 2014

    It's marvelous! Good job! Check out takmaj's work on deviantArt You might really like it.

  • Sublunarycomet 15 Sep 2014

    Well, it is very well done. Almost looks like a picture changed around in photoshop...?

  • Anonymous 15 Sep 2014

    Gorge! "Thumbs up" sign.

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