More artworks made by Karakleos

Chibi Small Lady: Sailor Moon Fanart
Chibi usa , small lady. I love the princess forms of everyone but this has to be one of my favorite of the dresses. made this one a while back. I tried a different style of painting her with mixing cell shade with airbrush soft shade for the clothing. I have to say I like this effect. I also did this for my Princess Saturn dress , the one where she is holding a Harp. ^^ don't mind her eyes i'm going to edit them as they didn't turn out exactly right ^^ -- Sailormoon, chibi usa (c) Naoko Takeuchi Artwork (c) Kara Kleos
didier1961 21 Mar 2016
StephanieDamianov 11 Apr 2018
It is very cute <3é
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