More artworks made by jolabrodnica


You Rang M'Lord

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-03


You Rang M'Lord? is a BBC television sitcom written by Jimmy Perry and David Croft. Drawing and original photo. From the left: Lord Meldrum (Donald Hewlett), Cecily `Cissy` Meldrum (Catherine Rabett), Poppy Meldrum (Susie Brann), Edward `Teddy` Meldrum (Michael Knowles), Alf Stokes (Paul Shane), Ivy Teasdale (Su Pollard), James Twelvetrees (Jeffrey Holland), Constable Wilson (Bill Pertwee), Henry Livingstone (Perry Benson), Lady Lavender (Mavis Pugh), Blanche Lipton (Brenda Cowling), Mabel Wheeler (Barbara New).


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