Mechanical raven
many details many nights Format : A3 inspired by the work: Kerby Rosanes (Sketchy Stories)
FableXIII 3 Jun 2015
Very good use of black and an extremely interesting piece. I don't believe I have seen anything quite like this personally. Your lines look very clean. I'd suggest trying to get a slightly better photo. I know it's hard i'm guilty of the same thing but your work deserves a nice clean shot. My only thing is I get a little lost because there is soo soo much detail which in itself is really impressive. But i feel like it makes the piece a bit too busy. Some areas of less detail, maybe total black areas that would keep with the design and flow of the angles but break up parts of the body a bit to give your eyes some resting areas. Such as the were the tail meets the body, and maybe a bit in the wings. Also around the head as its hard to discern sometimes when looking at it. I feel like more black around it would make it very noticeable. The top part of the head blends a lot with the wing its touching as an example. One last thing is a background of some sort might help too. nothing crazy.
Che.ting 3 Jun 2015
MercyLasVegas 3 Jun 2015
It's amazing- I love the many details and the representation of nature and technology. Well done! c:
葉昫麟 3 Jun 2015
complicate but delicate~
xxdaersdrfzxx 3 Jun 2015
:WOH AWESOME So many details ;v; I'm in love <3
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