More artworks made by nirvhannahshepherd


Matt Cameron

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-08-18


This one was actually a redo of one I did last summer. I added a lot more detail this time around. I'm actually considering giving this to Matt himself (he plays drums for both Pearl Jam and my favorite band Soundgarden). Medium: 6B graphite Date done: June 12, 2014


  • TWINS2 18 Jul 2016

    Great shading between the light and dark! I think that Matt would really like / love it:)

  • Erviel 18 Aug 2014

    Dat eyes... Love it!

  • Luckybucky 18 Aug 2014

    Good job on the shading

  • TheWarriorWolf15 18 Aug 2014

    I like the shading

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