Walther White Sintesis.
This is not a drawing nor a painting, this is a craft I made trimming white opaline over black cardboard, it is a complicated process to explain but here is the result, hope you like it.
Anonymous 15 Sep 2015
Wow! ^^
sekult 20 Jul 2015
Hey thanks :3
Eddieblz 30 Jun 2015
I really like it!!
DoodleyDoo185 31 May 2015
I dig it. I like the dimension the sense of light gives. The subtle bits of black worked out well, especially for the ear on the left. I have no Idea how to use this medium, but I can say the stencil work is good.
Oscarlira 31 May 2015
Awesome piece of art
Anonymous 31 May 2015
Simple but very effective :-)
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