More artworks made by DoodleyDoo185

Dreary Days in Suburbia
Oil on Canvas.
REDtr 10 Jul 2015
looks so real :D good job :)
jararaca24073 30 May 2015
I've come to the conclusion unless its surreal or anime, that art like this is not appreciated here...This is very well done and should be in a gallery. Nice work.
missCoon 29 May 2015
Br4inFri3d 29 May 2015
Nice job with the lighting and the reflexions
Stevie The Fixer 28 May 2015
Really Good! I would like to see it flat-on to the camera and nearer but even from this angle it has captured shiny reflective textures excellently. The grey day effect is very well done and I feel that I am actually there.
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