More artworks made by RustyGentleman

Carol, the Adorable Psychopath
Made this for my friend Carol :3 She's a bit psychopathic (knife in her pocket), but she's also really adorable, and most of the time pretty slow (thus the crank on her thought cloud :x), so not a dangerous psychopath. It is still a drawing, even though I manipulated it onto a clean background and did some color correction. Nothing more.
Missus Green 28 May 2015
Hmmmm, I'm wondering what she's pondering? Quite a deep piece in my mind, very good well done
Never-Giving-Up 28 May 2015
I love this! It seems like most of the people I know even! Plus the fact that you didn't draw her normally, ex. no feet and her arms are very long. It seems more unrealistic and that's what makes it really cool!
Meren-chan 28 May 2015
I also have a friend(cousin) like this and she's the best person I know. This work is really nice <3 :)
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