My drawing of Converse shoes I made. I used B, 4B, and 9B graphite pencils to shade. If you like, please follow me on deviant art :)- yasminyognaught.deviantart.com
Colored-pencil 28 May 2015
looks awesome :)
roora 28 May 2015
nice shading c: but the whole piece seems a little bit blury to me
IsisPiscis 28 May 2015
Amoxes 28 May 2015
nice work !
missCoon 28 May 2015
you need to use hatching. so picture will look more clean.
czmanga 27 May 2015
just Amazing !I like very much the shading over the shapes
hounddog23 27 May 2015
Great shading, good contrast of darks and lights
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