A watercolor portrait of myself (left) and my friend as a late birthday gift for her. That's a sucker in my mouth, and this was based off of a photo taken at our school's homecoming football game.
sforest 28 May 2015
Very good use of shading and shadows
Anonymous 28 May 2015
i haven't seen the photo but i think it should have darker colors in some place s
HopeaDreki 28 May 2015
Looks good, but I would add more defined areas of contrast around the neck area. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous 27 May 2015
I think you're great with watercolours and you should keep practicing to make your paintings look more and more realistic. Good job!
snowolfgirl 27 May 2015
i love their eyes
Florin 27 May 2015
Randamu 27 May 2015
For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. -Romans 6:23
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