More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


"Y tú...¿Ya formas parte de la Madriguera?"

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-05-27


This is an illustration for a poster to a cultural place....i hope it you like


  • hubert perron 21 Dec 2015

    well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • hubert perron 20 Dec 2015

    great !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • asdawson 1 Dec 2015


  • Auniverseofmine 27 May 2015

    Awesome! Not sure what it says exactly but it looks freaking awesome!

  • Enduring-Change-Studio 27 May 2015

    ... I can't read whatever language it is, but it looks cool.

  • Anonymous 27 May 2015

    Nice work!

  • Lovemeimanerd 27 May 2015

    I don't really know Spanish.. But it looks really cool! :)

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