More artworks made by Funster


Realistic Eye

By Funster
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-05-24


A realistic eye I've done...


  • snakedaemon 25 May 2015


  • Selenya 24 May 2015

    You definitely have strengths here in terms of the line drawing itself, and the eyebrows texture. However, the colors could be smoother, and the eyelashes are innacurate, especially the lower lash. They should go out to the side, not straight up or down. Also, some detail especially in the bottom waterline and the inner corner would add to the overall realistic feeling. That being said I shall reiterate that the eye shape and actual drawing is good.

  • bielebny 24 May 2015


  • Vanimelda4 24 May 2015

    I like the use of white in this.

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