More artworks made by Becca's Arts and Crafts
This is a drawing that my dad asked me to do for him. It is for his paranormal group that he is calling CARP. It is inspired by the tale of the carp jumping the Dragon's Gate. devianart:
Crystal Jones 18 Aug 2015
Original. ^^
Jeanpooh 11 Apr 2016
I love effort and I can see that you have applied this in your drawing and on top of it for your Dad, well drawn
Becca's Arts and Crafts 12 Apr 2016
Thank you :)
Tahcha 24 Nov 2015
Very good work!
SGrahound 29 Nov 2015
Great colors!!
CeeCeeDude 23 Aug 2015
Looks cool. The background should have been worked on a little more, though.
xWolverineMan 6 May 2015
Looks nice, but the background, the dragon there and the water (or what that green stuff is) looks, like you slowed down while drawing if you know what i mean. Even if it takes very long, coloring is very important! :D keep going ;)
Anonymous 6 May 2015
It's an interesting concept but it still needs some work. There should be more definition in the carp fish so that it pops out from the background.
anuvys 6 May 2015
nice scales on the fish.
Eric-McNeal 6 May 2015
snakedaemon 6 May 2015
Nice work
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