More artworks made by Annabellx


Liquid Dream

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-04-29


~"Liquid dream", painted with acrylic paint. (50x65) I drew this piece for an art contest. The theme was 'party' and this is what I came up with. This is a scene that takes place after the party, hence the bottle on the right. The guys on the left have just fallen asleep after a night of partying. If it was a good party or a bad one is for you to decide.


  • Merlina 2 May 2015

    Nice work!:)

  • Anonymous 30 Apr 2015


  • BunnyFaceWolf 29 Apr 2015

    wow good job

  • 29steph5 29 Apr 2015

    Looks great, I like the amount of detail and the tone used.

  • Adil Najeeb 29 Apr 2015

    awesome :)

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