More artworks made by jack12321

Horus Guard Helmet
This one took me quite a while; over 35 hours, actually. It's actually a real helmet that's about two feet tall, from a movie/TV show called Stargate/Stargate SG-1. Drawn with graphite and colored pencils (.5 lead in a mechanical pencil and Prismacolor Soft). I ended up having to spray the paper with fixitive in sections because it was such a large piece! (I think it was 14in. x 16in. or 17in.). The entire piece has no blending in it; just different pressure levels of the pencil on the paper; hope everyone likes it! :)
Noname0 25 Apr 2015
I love these details
MonsterPaws 25 Apr 2015
so much detail! I can tell you took a long time on it, its awesome!
Anonymous 25 Apr 2015
very nice
jjanthony74 25 Apr 2015
Very creative design
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