More artworks made by TarinVernon



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-08-17


This can also be found on my DA page. :)


  • maadhucreatives 18 Aug 2022


  • K-Koji 8 Jul 2021


  • Tomas 17 Aug 2014

    yes :D you know once you have only 2 colors you need to really work on technique to compensate missing colors ;) and EKA when i will see your next drawing? :D female maybe? :D

  • EKA 17 Aug 2014

    Tomas , i start to think , that you are in love with black and white, since u always compliment colors in pic, only when there is only black and white :D

  • Tomas 17 Aug 2014

    Great choice of color :D i like it it's so dark and deep :)

  • cute-girle 1999 17 Aug 2014

    cute <3

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