More artworks made by ♡YamiYugi♡


The Forest Dweller

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-04-19


She is my interpretation of an elf girl. She has small pointy ears and I tried to make her legs outlandish by making the thighs too long and slender. She is wearing leather topped shoes with a wooden soles and leather bands replacing laces. Her hair is carefully put into place by rings of gold instead of barettes.The elf girl is also wearing a stiff side-flipped skirt with soft bloomers underneath. The top attire is patched together to complete itself to look like a shirt even though it is many different pieces of cloth together suggesting the girl can only try to make proper clothing from the provided woodland resources around her. -Yugi


  • suYYvbs 2 Sep 2015

    love it :D great work

  • einsteinsdog 24 Apr 2015

    nice colors and detail. I'm guessing this is digital art? You've got to watch the blockiness on those computerized outlines. You would be better served by the natural curves of hand-drawn outlines, then perhaps transferred to digital for coloring and touch-up?

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