More artworks made by gegenymark9674


Ghost of the rose

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-08-17


I like this one :) Made it as a gift... And before anyone comments it, the shades are not so smooth for a reason :)


  • gegenymark9674 18 Aug 2014

    first of all, thanky you :D I always wanted to make tattoos but I don't have the opportunity to do it... I can't afford a tattoing machine... :/

  • Tomas 17 Aug 2014

    i love it ;) great work with skull :)

  • TarinVernon 17 Aug 2014

    Great job. I like the way you drew the leaf shapes. The skull gives it a nice touch as well. This would make a nice tattoo. Did you think about inking it?

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