More artworks made by NoraKimi



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-03-23


Decided to paint the drawing of me cosplaying as Madara Uchiha, and this is how it came out. I'm kinda satisfied with it so I'll leave it as it is. I can be a perfectionist with this stuff but I have other works to get through so I just got this out of the way.


  • Art by Beans 24 Oct 2015

    AH HA HA! Dude! this looks like my old drummer Ric! I love it! You got a real knack for subtle tones, textures and how material wrinkles and flows. Oh wow, I just read it's a selfie, LOL! well then, YOU look a lot like my old drummer Ric. Good stuff bro. Are you Hawaiian too? Ric is.

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