More artworks made by CrisLoran (OkiotoArt)



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-03-16


character - little tedy-demon (kind and naive, the size of a grown up person, steals different stuf and hides it all over the place. not agressive, usualy don't kill, but sometimes there can be found some body parts with all other "lost" things ) location - the amusement park of dead wishes


  • anidioticDip 12 May 2016

    What is that? So well done but weird.

  • Mifmemo 20 Jun 2015

    What a precious lil thing. I just wanna snuggle it.

  • doubleU-T-F 28 Mar 2015

    What can I say... amazing? Yea I'd say it's smthin'. Can you please tell me what brush have you mostly use for the sketching & painting? I'd really like to know :)). 5 stars from WTF.

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