
More artworks made by blvckink


Charles Manson

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-02-18


digital painting

Challenge: blvckink VS asdawson


  • AcrockaDOODLEdoop 18 Aug 2015

    Beautiful work! Love your art style! Good work keep it up!

  • MKIII & AV59 22 Jul 2015

    cool et bien fait

  • Mónica Marques 8 Jul 2015

    I didn't have words...perfect work

  • GATESYS ART 8 Jul 2015

    not on here yet but its on all my other sites and pages. I will eventually put it up here.

  • GATESYS ART 8 Jul 2015

    also in my series on serial killers :)

  • Roksana 2 Jul 2015

    love it!

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