
More artworks made by lululu174


You're my sun x3

Type: photo Uploaded: 2015-01-28


I hope you enjoy it xP

Challenge: IvanFedorov#deleted VS lululu174


  • Miqdame 28 Jul 2015

    where do you live? lululu

    lululu174 29 Apr 2016

    Portugal OuO

  • VedR1109 6 Jul 2015

    Nice view.

  • sekult 14 Feb 2015

    Good photo Lulu :3

    lululu174 29 Apr 2016

    thanx x3

  • maikeru 29 Jan 2015

    pretty sunset :)

  • JayKid 28 Jan 2015

    the fact you live on an island is so cool . great shot btw

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