More artworks made by Demonwolf121


Halo 4

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-09-10


My apologies for it being sideways. Obviously, this is not my own image...I looked off of something


  • WeirdGirl14 18 Sep 2014

    Wow~!!!! My Halo-Nerd is showed when I first saw this X"D You did a really great job!! Yes yes~!!!! Also, in terms of editing. I'm sure in normal MS Paint, you can move the edges to close the caps around the image and use it to rotate it. However, if you want something a little fancier and free, I use Paint.NET. It's pretty good~! A program created by College Art students, and I use it all the time. If you need the link, just let me know!

  • Demonwolf121 10 Sep 2014

    I haven't figured out how to edit yet...obv It is mine but it didn't come out of my mind.

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