More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Drawing of a Scorpion with 3 Colors

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-01-25


I only used the three basic colors for this drawing (Yellow, Blue and Red)...i would use Yellow, Magenta and Cyan, but i didn't have that colors :(


  • Tomas 9 Jul 2015

    Nice ;)

  • Hill's Beverly Creative 16 Feb 2017

    Great job blending the colors using the primaries. You definitely understand the concept ! I live in the desert so I like cactus and scorpions not so much. That is I don't like to see them up close. OK in a drawing. The sky is faded upwards smoothly. A very simple and effective piece. Keep it up !

  • N-Shaddriow 25 Jan 2015

    Don't really care about how much you use the colour, I love your concept, and it's really good work. Keep it up! :D

  • P0pcorn881 25 Jan 2015

    I love your color palette

  • Anonymous 25 Jan 2015

    it looks so cute! I had to give it 5 stars lol

  • LadyMalande 25 Jan 2015

    Interesting work with the colors :)

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