More artworks made by King Edmarka

Chronicles of Cryothys
My own little series that will focus on my various original kaiju, with Cryothys being the primary focus obviously. Not so many details on it right now, but it will follow a currently unnamed "Kaijuoligist" who studies the giant beasts, but has a particular interest in the titular monster, and often follows Cryothys on her journey to restore peace and balance to nature, in the form of brawls with other monsters. More info to come! From left to right: Gigaroon - A giant Vinegaroon with an insatiable appetite, and a lust to aimlessly destroy. Uses powerful and sharp forelimbs to slash opponents and buildings alike. Has a Xenomorph-esque proboscis located in his jaws. Long tail is covered in quills that can stick into opponents like a porcupine's quills, and can fire a brownish-yellow acid from the twin tail tips. Cryothys - The main monster of the series. Lives in the Arctic ocean peacefully until she feel's that her home, or Earth, is in danger. Does not look to destroy humans, but has no affinity for them either. If attacked by them, she'll attack back. Can use her jaws, teeth, horns, and massive tail as weapons. If the going gets really tough, she can actually create a sharp, icy sheath over her claws, spines, and horns to give her an extra edge in battle. Can fire a white "Nitro Beam" from her mouth, which can both cause damage and freeze whatever is in her path. Ichthylana - A giant Caecilian amphibian, spending most of her life under ground, rearing only if she feels threatened in some way. She is covered in sharp, venomous spines that she can flatten against her skin at will. Her skin is also toxic to boot. She has no eyes, finding her way around with the sensitive feelers on her snout, which are surprisingly effective. Her jaws and teeth contain enormous power, able to shred stone, metal, and flesh alike.
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