More artworks made by King Edmarka

One of my original Kaiju. In my story, Hydrak was the inspiration for the legend of the Mbenga, a supposedly evil spirit that the natives of the Congo say would take on the form of a Tigerfish and attack people. Hydrak lurks in the Congo River, feeding on anything he can get his enormous maw on. Hydrak has the ability to both breath through gills and through a strong swim bladder, so land and water is no obstacle to him. He is somewhat sluggish in his movement, but his power is immense, with strong forearms ending in hands with large hooked claws that can rake opponents to red ribbons. His jaws are incredibly powerful, and can take hunks out of even the strongest of metals. His tail can propel him through the water at surprising speed and knock his kaiju foes to the ground. Finally, if none of that does the trick, he can unleash his Shadow Breath; a black and red gust that can deteriorate flesh like flaming acid.
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