More artworks made by ILOVENoahWyle

Battle Scarred
This drawing took me about 5 hours maybe more or less. Drawn all in charcoal and on a3 Derwent paper. I used two ref pictures, one I used I took the scar and the fur also the body and outer mane, the other ref I used was for the stripes,eyes and other parts liked ears and face shape. The thing with the scar is on the ref picture the scar was on the other side of the face so it was quite hard and when I was putting in the whiskers I did get confused and realized I was drawing from the wrong side. I tried to catch the essence of the wild tiger and I think I achieved it.
trevorp 21 Mar 2016
Fabulous work / looks very realistic
♡YamiYugi♡ 12 Jun 2015
You captured it very well! Uh huh, definitely a wild tiger. Super well done!
Vanare 22 Jan 2015
It looks really good. Especially I like the ears because in my opinion it's the most difficult part of the drawing and you did it very well. Great job. (:
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