More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Am i their dinner???

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-01-14


I did this drawing for a collection about the scorpion, in this illustration i try to show a scorpion and their two most important a funny way...


  • Anonymous 29 Mar 2016

    This is cool I like it :)

  • Sora Ngin 14 Jan 2015

    Haha interesting idea! Good coloring and creatures! Missing maybe slight hints of the background, but I like it!

  • akalinz 14 Jan 2015

    good cartoon style

  • Anonymous 14 Jan 2015

    Jajajaja it's hilarius

  • Anonymous 14 Jan 2015


  • Dream.Guardian 14 Jan 2015

    its nice

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