More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Under the Scorpion Armor

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-01-05


i did this ilustration in 2013, i love the concept of this, but i think i will do it again....


  • ArtistNumber3 6 Jan 2015

    I think the hips should be inside the shell...

  • Anonymous 6 Jan 2015

    It's okay.

  • bloom 6 Jan 2015

    great work :D

  • Plamen777 6 Jan 2015

    Quite good.

  • RollieBangBang 6 Jan 2015


  • czmanga 6 Jan 2015

    Good shape , and the effects are great( lighting) maybe the lineart of the girl ( face ) more detailed? ( humble opinion)

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