More artworks made by Karita_art

Moonlight palette
I had so much blue on my mixing board from my last painting, so I felt like making something out of it and ended up with this :) Done with acrylic paint. Instagram: Karitash Deviantart: Karita94
Fran Lafferty 7 Dec 2016
Haha, isn't it funny what a little extra paint can inspire?! I can't ever throw mine away, but always have "scrap" watercolor paper ready and waiting to use up my extra acrylic paint, lol. :O>
Silver Lining 21 Nov 2015
Stunning idea and even more stunning painting :D Never thought about that before
Merlina 5 Jan 2015
Jacorien.T 5 Jan 2015
so beautiful and creative!!
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