More artworks made by YamiNoHimitsu

In the dark of the night...
...weird van Gogh knock-offs are made. I did not intend to make the sky in this manner, I just felt a bit like experimenting back then and it ended up this way. I don't know how to feel about this one. I made it long time ago, way before the portraits or pretty much any of my drawings, when I was, well, a kid. It's not my first but comes in close. Why I made it? Comission. Otherwise I doubt that I would have ever made it. Oil on canvas
LouaSmourbif 4 Jan 2015
So beautiful =w=
Anonymous 4 Jan 2015
so good
Anonymous 4 Jan 2015
lululu174 4 Jan 2015
Amazing *-*
Anonymous 4 Jan 2015
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