More artworks made by Nebo.Illustrates

Catching Comets
This was a painting assignment for my last year of college. The assignment was about glowing objects, so the model would hold a paper lantern with a lite light bulb and we had to show how the light reflected off the model. I really enjoyed this assignment because of the dramatic lighting. In a way I made a narrative out of this piece. The two figures live under the sea and one night there was a metier shower and they caught falling stars. I'm not sure where to go with this, but I hope to create a story from this painting. @nicole_nebo
zilmari 24 Jan 2016
Loved and faved this one :D
Nebo.Illustrates 1 Jan 2015
Thanks so much! :)
Infecto 1 Jan 2015
You've fulfilled the task and added a great dream-like lucid scenery to it! The combination of colours contributes to it.The potential story also sounds great x)
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