More artworks made by KhalLajik

Santa Rocks
un dibujo que he hecho para un concurso de mi instituto, nada mas especial. a postal card made for a highscool contest, nothing more special. in the black band of the bottom is written "Happy-hollydays" and in the green one "work on it well" aqui esta mi deviantart para los que les guste mi trabajo/here's my deviantart, for those who likes my work
Manakeksi 22 Dec 2014
Rudolph 2 is a rocket XD
GraceAttack1111 22 Dec 2014
Petri95 22 Dec 2014
Con qué lo has hecho?
canhoto 22 Dec 2014
epic tag! I wouldn't mind putting this on my car :D
L0n3Gr3yW0lf 22 Dec 2014
Very cool and interesting.
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