More artworks made by Mazcroft1987


Benedict cumberbatch

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-12-22


An A4 drawing :)


  • Petri95 22 Dec 2014

    Awesome shading, especially the neck and the clothes.

  • hubert perron 22 Dec 2014

    superb portrait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vassaline 22 Dec 2014

    sharp lines of wrinkles. And so cool )

  • enigmakata 22 Dec 2014

    great work!

  • Monde du Mal 22 Dec 2014

    Wonderful shading on the face, great details in the clothing, and a VERY good choice of who to draw. ;)

  • SeriousAnnika 22 Dec 2014

    Good contrast, too bad about the watermark though.

  • Mythology1 22 Dec 2014

    Like what you did for the clothes. Making realistic patterned clothes is pretty hard to capture sometimes. Smiles too

  • CDM 22 Dec 2014

    Wonderful detail all around. Especially like the jacket

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