More artworks made by blvckink
oil pastel on a4 paper instagram - feralgothyca
Challenge: blvckink VS PepsiColas
kitten_500 7 Jan 2016
The colors really help this piece
Wingedog 23 Dec 2015
This is amazing, it's so expressive with very little detail to tell it! Well done!
osmanthusette 3 Jul 2015
Very nice!
lightningdre95 13 Dec 2014
seriously, I don't know why this isn't rated a 4 or 5. It's sad. I find a lot of art works on this site get rated top because they display skill and are simply pretty to look at. But I find things like this to be true art. It actually expresses something, a lot of emotion. It deserves more credit than it's getting.
lightningdre95 13 Dec 2014
this is just awesome!
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