More artworks made by nycro shears



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2014-12-07


Another Bestiary pic. This one was drawn using GIMP.


  • Koza-Kun 7 Dec 2014

    Nice :)

  • snakedaemon 7 Dec 2014


  • Miqdame 7 Dec 2014


  • Anonymous 7 Dec 2014

    I don't have much experience in this kind of character design before, so may I just say what I feel about your pic? : 3 I love the color, I do love the group of green, yellow, brown; it reminds me of refreshment, tree, earth... About the pose, I feel a little problem, it seems like the character's going to fall. Maybe you want to describe him when he's moving. In that case, i think you need a little effect in the BG, that would be fine : )

  • Indy 7 Dec 2014

    This image could use more contrast to make it pop

  • CurlyTop 7 Dec 2014

    i like the colors

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