More artworks made by Lil'_Miss_Sunshine97

Lonely Yellow
More, old stylization practice. This one comes with a poem. Let me tell you the tale of the huggaboo. Spreading joy to others was all that she knew. Yes, this was the happiest critter you've ever seen. Covered head to toe in yellow fluff, all sparklin' and clean. She spread her happiness everywhere without delay. That was until she visited the town of Gray. The huggaboo skipped and bounced into town. It was a cold place where folks only grumbled and frowned. That didn't stop her. No way. No how. Not while she still had her gift to endow. She sprung forth ready to laugh and play. But playing's not what you do in the town of Gray. The huggaboo smiled at passers-by. But none would look her in the eye. She did flips, cartwheels, and somersaults galore. But all the people did ignore. And one by one they walked away. Leaving the huggaboo alone in the town of Gray. The huggaboo was certainly not beaten yet. She'd get one person to smile, she bet. Suddenly, slightly to the left she spied An elderly man just hobbling by. She thought she'd get her first grin today. A single smile in the town of Gray. The huggaboo cleared her throat and twittered a song. The old man glared at her like she did something wrong. His face turned to a pale sneer. He croaked out, "See here! No one wants you around! Go away! You're the most annoying thing in the town of Gray!" "You're a nasty, ugly, yellow thing! You ignorant creature! How could you just dance and sing? The economy's bad and nothing works! There's no social security! The youngsters are jerks! I got aches and pains and bills to pay! That's all the world is including the town of Gray!" The old man stormed off after his tirade. Leaving the huggaboo with a rained-on parade. She slumped to the alley way with the lurkers that stared. She felt so miserable, but nobody cared. All she wanted was to wash all problems away. But the world's nothing but problems in the town of Gray. The huggaboo cried, shedding tear after tear. Her happiness was unwanted. It was blatantly clear. Perhaps she was wrong being as happy as she was. So she moped on, now a sad ball of fuzz. Her insides felt cold and her heart full of dismay. But that's just what happens to huggaboos in the town of Gray.
JayKid 5 Dec 2014
I really love the poem. How the world is fuck up but some how the little huggaboo can still find a reason to be happy in wanted to shared that with others. It kinda askes what makes this life worth living. IDK i don't wanna end up talking to much but great job.
Iquit16 5 Dec 2014
Wow, My Goodness!!!!! this is so Awesome!!! I feel like Huggaboo many days. I hope she finds a friend. I want to see more of your work. :)
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