More artworks made by Zoe-Zareefa

Zareefa - Reference Sheet
Everyone meet my Fursona, Zareefa. She has been a long work in progress really. She is also part of my account name, go figure ;) I finally drew what I think I'd look like as a horse and since I'm blonde myself a Palomino, (Palos are also my favorite color of horse), and I just adore Arabians, (favorite breed is Friesian but who has ever seen a Palomino Friesian? XD), so this is the result. She's a Palomino Sabino mare and also has a corgi form. She's not a shape shifter. I just gave her a corgi form, because I adore corgis. But mainly my Fursona is about the horse. This one took a long time to make as I had to be 100% satisfied with her design before I wanted to post her anywhere. I'm very pleased with the result. Expect to see a lot of this girl now that I finally have her finished :3 She was orignally going to have a form with wings but I chose to scratch that idea, because I simply just like her well enough as she is a horse <3 Credits: Zareefa and design © to me Refs: -Horse: -Corgi:
Dream.Guardian 5 Dec 2014
super cute ~
Jacorien.T 4 Dec 2014
very nice!
guidodeo 4 Dec 2014
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